Episode 129- Tile Laying Suite


During this weeks episode:

1) The Pegs have an announcement and discuss their recent gameplays including Orbis, War Chest, Ice Cool 2, and more;

2) All the Pegs review a suite of tile laying games including Gunkimono, Spring Meadow, and Expancity; and

3) Revisit Ex Libris.

Click here for game play photos and show notes.

To access the direct download, click here.

Certain of the aforementioned reviews derive from a copy of the reviewed game which was provided by the publisher, free of charge.

:51- Trivia, 4:45- Announcement, 14:22- Beer Tasting Night With Boards & Bottles, 20:04- Robb’s Call for Art, 24:00- Crokinole Storage, 29:00- State of the Hobby?,  37:40- Patreon Reminder, 40:00- War Chest, 47:20- Orbis, 53:10- [Unnamed Child Segment], 54:00- Ice Cool 2, 57:30- Shaky Manner, 1:04:30- Pyramid of Penqueen, 1:09:20- WashingCon, 1:10:30- Gearworks, 1:17:30- Critical Mass, 1:24:00- Indie Game Studios, 1:26:00- Essen: Forum Trajanum, 1:32:00- Caverna: Forgotten Folk, 1:35:40- Gunkimono Rules; 1:40:00- Gunkimono Review, 1:55:40- Spring Meadow Rules, 1:58:40- Spring Meadow Review, 2:16:09- Expancity Review, 2:19:20- Expancity Review, 2:35:40- Ex Libris Re-Roll

Episode 128- GenCon 2018 & Petrichor


During this weeks episode:

1) The Pegs recap GenCon 2018, including discussion of Gen7, Die Quacksalber von Quedlinburg, Scarabya, Grackles and more; and

2) All the Pegs review the area control game Petrichor.

Click here for game play photos and show notes.

To access the direct download, click here.

Certain of the aforementioned reviews derive from a copy of the reviewed game which was provided by the publisher, free of charge.

:54- Lobot Trivia, 3:40- Past ep trivia winner, 8:00- GenCon bound, 13:40- Time with David W., 16:52- Die Quacksalber von Quedlinburg, 22:20- Man vs. Meeple Trivia Appearance, 26:26- Pre-Con Exhibitor Hall and Inside Up Games, 31:20- Escape Room, 39:10- Keyforge and other FFG news, 44:20– Con PegHeads, 48:20- Lords of Hellas, 49:20- The Grimm Masquerade, 52:15- Plaid Hat Generally and Comanauts, 55:50- Starship Samurai, 1:02:49- Gen7, 1:10:30- The Rolling Dice and Taking Names Strike Tournament, 1:16:11- Issac Announcements, 1:18:28- Grackles, 1:22:30- Treasure Island Update, 1:23-40- Amigo Games, 1:24:30- Scarabya, 1:30:50- 100 Torri, 1:36:00- Sovereign Skies, 1:40:40- Indy Nightlife, 1:45:55- Wendake, 1:51:20- Tidal Blades, 1:55:18- Petrichor Rules, 2:00:00- Petrichor Review