Episode 94- Adrenaline

BPPP Adrenaline (click on the text to the left to listen)


During this week’s episode:

1) The Pegs discuss recent news and a recent game plays including Arkham Horror: The Card Game, Tumble Tree, Baseball Highlights: 2045 and more;

2) Announce the winner of their #21lbsofgame contest where one listener will win a copy of  Gloomhaven (along with their friend, the game’s designer, and the contest’s generous sponsor, Isaac Childres of Cephalofair Games); and

3) Review the first person shooter area control game Adrenaline.

Click here for game play photos and show notes.

Certain of the aforementioned reviews derive from a copy of the reviewed game which was provided by the publisher, free of charge.

Episode 93- Clank! and The Dark Side of Gaming: Obsession

BPPP Clank and Obsession (click on the text to the left to listen)


During this week’s episode:

1) The Pegs discuss recent news and a recent game plays including Ta-Da, Villains and Vigilantes, Attack on Titan and more;

2) Review the family friendly deck builder Clank!; and

3) And examine one of the dark sides of gaming, obsession.

Click here for game play photos and show notes.

Certain of the aforementioned reviews derive from a copy of the reviewed game which was provided by the publisher, free of charge.